The plating rectifier has a transformer that reduces the voltage, diodes responsible for the conversion, a control system for both the voltage and the current, a device for cooling the rectifier and overload protection. These rectifiers have different waveforms which you must consider before you place an order.
Silicon Rectifiers
Electroplating Rectifiers is an equipment that converts AC into DC supply. Power make Silicon Rectifiers are widely used in Electroplating, Anodizing, Hydrogenation, and all other electrochemical processes.
Rectifiers are widely used in the metallurgical industry, mainly in…
Basic principle of rectifier for electrolytic hydrogen production: Electrolysis of…
Liyuan Haina Rectifier, the professional manufacturer in IGBT and SCR rectifier, committed to providing you with quality solutions and products.
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Liyuan Haina Rectifier, the professional manufacturer in IGBT and SCR rectifier, committed to providing you with quality solutions and products.
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